Tuesday, May 22, 2007

On Kayak

In this part of Norway, I am truly surrounded by an amazing nature. Unfortunately I don't really feel I have enjoyed it as much as I could, but on the other hand - high mountains and deep fjords just aren't the same in darkness and rain - and those two things we have more than enough of up here(270 days of rain).

However, I took a break from the studying and packing yesterday - and went on a kayaking trip with my Spanish teacher. It was an amazing trip, and despite the very bad weather forecast the weather actually turned out to be really nice. How lucky.
(The first picture shows how we started)

We went all the way out through Flekke-fjord, which is the fjord in which the school is located(I mean its not located IN the fjord -but right next to). And then continues left towards Dale, being the nearest city big enough to contain a bookstore.

On the way we went by fish farm, where they "make" salmon. Very interesting in fact.

The nature in general was just stunning. I haven't often experienced anything like that - and especially as a Dane, it's really fascinating to kayaking surrounded by major mountains.

I'll post a few more pictures in the end.

Other than that, the last time has been very weird. My corner feels very impersonal and empty. I've taken down all decorations, and I have packed most of my stuff down in suitcases, for not to talk about all the stuff I've passed on to first years.
Tomorrow will be a crazy day - wake up, more packing, saying goodbye to people, writing in people's yearbook - and then in my case - Spanish exam. After the exam we have approx. 1½ hour before we are going to the Graduation Dinner. It'll be very weird.

Anyways. I promised some pictures - here they come:

1 comment:

Attila Sukosd said...

Woaah man, looks awesome!

I wish I could go there too :(

nice blog btw :D