Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Artificial Floating Island made of Recycled Garbage...

Today just after breakfast a man approached me and asked if I wanted to go with him to see his floating island. I was very suspicious. and thought "What the heck is all this about?". Anyways. After assuring me that he didn't want any money, just wanted to show me his project, and if i liked it I could stay for free(with food) and help out a few hours a day with building the island, i decided to go. Comfortably in the back of his truck we drove down the coast of Isla de Mujeres to the place where he is building his Island.

And I was completely amazed. The guy is completely crazy,yet wonderfully passionate and motivating. The island is build of used bottles which are then put into nets who are tied together under pallets. These pallets are then tied together to create an island. On the island he then puts earth and plant trees. Its really fascinating.

he had an island some years ago who got destroyed by a hurricane, so now hes building a new one. The most fascinating ideal project for volunteers from UWC'ers. I think I'm going there tomorrow to help out for a few days. Everything is out in the open and hes really creative with all kinds of things.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Isla De Mujeres

(Updated with picture the 29/1)

Im currently on an island called Isla de Mujeres. A very nice small island just outside Cancun(Mexico), in contrast to cancun, Isla de Mujeres seems very authentic and actual. Of course there are many tourist but there are no fancy gigantic hotels, and instead there are a lot of backpackers. I've met loads of interesting people so far.
Today, I biked around the Island together with a guy from Sweden and another guy from Germany. Very beautiful island and the people are very nice.

The hostel (Poc-Na Hostel) is fantastic, and extremely chilled. Its located right onto the beach - and the atmosphere is really relaxed and chilled. I spoke to a Dutch backpacker yesterday, who just finished his education as a journalist and on our way out to find some food for dinner, i told him about out project in sierra leone and he got very interested and thought of joining. I can really feel what advantages it has given me, that I have been in a country that is far less developed that Mexico(red. Sierra Leone) and that I speak some spanish. Many of the other backpackers dont speak a word spanish - and I can really see how they are handicapped by that. I already feel more comfortable speaking, and I guess itll only become better as time passes by. Hopefully.

I promised i'd upload some pictures. But I dont have my camera with my right now. So i'll have to wait untill next time. But dont worry..they'll eventually come. At some point....
I guess thats all for now.
My plan for tomorrow is to spend a day reading a book on the beach, but as so many other things itll might change. who knows. Maybe something interesting shows up....wouldnt surprise me.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

In Cancun

(Updated with picture 29/1)

I put Michael and Ann-Marie on the plane this afternoon, before finding myself a deasent hostel to to live at. I´m currently in Cancun, on the north east corner of the Yucatan Peninsula.
The past days I spent together with my Family in Valladolid(2 nights) and afterwards 1 night together in Cancun.
In Valladolig we went to see the Pyramids of Chichen Itza(internally known as Chicken Pizza), who are great Mayan Pyramids more than a thousand years old. Really impressive. Its sometimes hard to understand that people where able to build such fascinating structures without any tools or modern machinery.

Valladolid itself is a very cozy and relatively small city. Very relaxed in comparison to the push and pulsating life of Cancun. Cancun is one gigantic Las Vegas, just located on the seashore instead of in the middle of a dessert. And even though the country is Mexico, the prices are still a bit higher here in Cancun since most of the tourists are rich Americans and Canadians.

So far I haven´t met a single person from Scandinavia. A bit odd, seeing that we scandinavians tend to travel a lot. On the other hand perhaps, scandinavians are smart enough to aviod tourist traps like Cancun. (and instead fall into traps on the mediterranian Islands instead.)

Haven´t really made any plans yet. Im thinking of going off to this Island calld "Isla De Mujeres" tomorrow. They say the beaches there are amazing. well well. well see about that.
this compl. doesnt have USB acces(or at least non that I can acces). so no pictures today. ill try to upload some next time I get online.

ciao. for now.
or well it would be better to say Adios...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Valladolid(In Danish)

If any non-danish speak person is follow this blog, well; too bad. Learn Danish.:-)
(Or wait for next post)

Saa, jeg klarede mig videre fra Playa del Carmen. Playa Del Carmen ligger et stykke nede af kysten paa Yucatan Halvoen, og det er der vi har befundet os de sidste 4 dage. Vi boede paa et fantastisk All-inclusive Resort lige ned til vandet. Alt var inclusiv, og deres Mojitos var overordentligt gode. Virkelig et sted hvor man kunne slappe af. Saadan; ligge i solen hen ad eftermiddagen - svoemme lidt i poolen, hvorefter man svoemmede hen til baren(jep, de havde en pool bar) og fik sig en Mojito, eller en Caipirinha eller hvad man nu havde lyst til. Ikke helt uudholdeligt. Igaar formiddags tog vi ned om morgenen og svoemmede med Delfiner. Det var ogsaa virkelig en fantastisk oplevelse som bare SKAL proeves. Delfiner er virkelig nogle fascinerende dyr. Helt utrolige. Men ja, dem svoemmede vi rundt med lidt tid. Foer vi tog tilbage til vores hotel og chekkede ud. Derefter tog vi en bus 2 timers tid til en by der hedder Valladolid som ligger centralt pa Yucatan halvoen. Idag badede vi I en eller anden kilde, med drypstens ting ned fra loftet, (ret fedt) og imorgen er planen saa at vi skal ud og se en pyramida(Maya) der hedder Chitzen Itza (udtales lidt i retning af "Chicken Pizza")
Saa ja, alt i alt er her dejligt og rart. Det bedste er dog at man ikke piv fryser naar man gaar udenfor - selvom vi har haft en del diskusioner om hvor koldt der skal vaere i rummet(Der er AC).
Jeg synes ikke der skal vaere alt for koldt, for taepperne er ultra tynde..men af en eller anden grund finder mine familiemedlemmer det meget lokkende at skrue helt ned til 10 grader C.
(maaske er det fordi saadan et indendoers(larmende AC anlaeg er fascinerende).

Tror det var alt for denne gang. (og endda paa Dansk).

Ciao ciao

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Life is Hard...

For some reason I ended up in the worst internet cafe in playa del carmen(mexico), so I cant upload any pictures this time. (the internet is simply too slow...).
But ill try to describe my world thorugh the written word. We´re staying at "all-inclusive" resort right next to the beach. Everything in the place is included in the price. and I mean everything. the food is outstanding. and you can grab as much as you want all day long. mexican, italian, greek. american anything you wish. all alcohol is free. I got 5 caipirinhas last night and 3 mojitos. I ended up sitting talking to this mexican guy who work there for his vacantions, and a russion girl and her dad. (I guess its normal custums for russion girls to bring their dad along when they go drinking??? Or perhaps he brough her with him..)
anyways. it was great fun - and so was the time in the pool today.
I just want you all not to worry - cause I have nothing to complaing about. Im planing on moving here permanently, and giving up everything thats called education - and instead just chill here and relax.

Well well.. i better get out of this crappy shit whole, and find a place with proper internet. slow internet freaks me out.
ill upload some pictures when I get a chance.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Miami Beach - A chillers Paradise.

Miami Beach is what Miami Beach wants to be. Very relaxed. The cars are driving slowly, even though they are all sports cars or SUV's. Most people are walking. There are fashionable boutiquies all over the place and very nice cafes and restaurants. The beaches are amazing. Lovely! I spent yesterday morning on the beach tanning. (im in desperate need of sun) and then spent the afternoon walking around with Adriana's(whom I went to school with in Norway) sisters, before meeting up with Adri's mother and grandmother. All lovely and very nice people.


I uploaded some pictures on my picture webfolder. the adress is www.picasaweb.google.com/jacob.lennheden

Thats all for now. Im catching the plane for Cancun(mexico) in a few hours time. Hopefully the weather is just as good.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Made it to Miami

After spending one night in Paris where I meet up with Ted from my time in Norway, and speaking to a guy in the hotel lobby who knew Susanne and Eske, who was runing the Leirskule in Norway, I made it safely to Miami. My flight was 2 hours delayed from copenhagen to paris, so i missed my connecting flight. This meant that AirFrance got me a hotel, with breakfast and dinner included. Under other circumstances, I wouldn't have minded an overnight in Paris  - but this time I would have preferred to go directly to Miami. But well, here I am though a few hours late.
Tomorrow I'll spend relaxing on the beach and shopping before my journey goes on towards Mexico.

Here is a Picture of Ted and Me in Paris. 

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sorting out the final details.

So, the day of departure is coming closer in a steady pace. Wednesday that is. I'm starting in Miami where I will spend 3 days relaxing and shopping, and meeting the family of a close friend of mine. Then onto Mexico where I will spend the first 10 days together with my mother and brother, before I go on, on my own adventures.

This blog will hopefully serve as the place where you get insights into what I'm currently doing.
It is my intention to update the blog freuquently, however I cannot promise that this will be done through my journey. Important factors such as, Internet accessibility as well as worth-writing-about-ability plays a big role. We'll see, time will show.

This was all for now. Soon to be updated from the other side of the pond....