Friday, February 8, 2008

San Cristobal de Las Casas

I made it to San Cristobal de Lasa Casas last night.
After saying goodbye to the two Australian Twins in Merida(they were off to Mexico City) I meet up with a girl from Israel(who I had spoken to in Merida) in Palenque. Very interesting always to travel with new people. In a few days time she´ll be going on to the west coast, whereas I think ill be heading towards Guatemala. Not sure yet exactly. But I guess thats where ill go. Well see.
The pyramids of Palenque were fantastic; located in a jungle environment with much fewer tourists than in Chichen Itza, and the ability to climb up all the pyramids. Definitely a place worth visiting.
I only spent 1 night in palenque, and went on a "water-fall" tour the coming day(yesterday).
The tour took is by some amazing waterfalls, and the most fantastic blue river. Im stil not sure why the river was blue.. but blue indeed it was. I ate lunch with the Israeli girl, and two other backpackers, one a funny/crazy elementary school teacher from California and a guy from Botswana(how cool is that?????) .

Anyways, ill might meet up with the Botswanan guy at some other point, hes going to Belize as well to do some yeah. Thats my plan as well.
After seeing the waterfall we went in this little volkwagen bus to San Cristobal, which is a 5 hour ride on small mountain roads. Located in the south mexican highlands, san cristobal can under no circumstances be considered a warm city. last night the temperature dropped to 7 degress celcious. uff uff, after coming from warm Yucatan.
Anyhow: the city is veyr very beautiful and has a wonderful atmosphere. All house are the same colonial style with different colors and small gates.
Definitely worht a visit.
I dont know what my plans are for the coming days, but I guess time will show.

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