Sunday, March 16, 2008

Underwater Vision!!!

That's right. Underwater Vision, is what i´ve now got, and its also the name of the dive shop where I just finished my open water diving certification.! I just graduated the course today! Diving is completely amazing, and I could stay here for months if I didn´t have this grand plan of traveling south. I am at least staying for another 5 days to do my Advanced Divers course, which lets me go down to 30 meters depth, and will teach me many more skills.

So yeah, that's what i´ve been up to lately. Now I´m heading back to cook some dinner. Found some pesto at the grocery store, so I'm cooking some pasta dish with some people here.
Tomorrow I'm going diving in the morning to the north side of the Island, where there are suppose to be some whale sharks.!!! (don't worry they are completely harmless!).
And then its off course saint Patrick's day tomorrow, which means party at my hostel!

Take good care, and prepare for some amazing pictures!

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