Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Back in Tegucigalpa

After 10 wonderful days on the Island of Utila, I made my way back to Tegucigalpa yesterday.
Utila was completely amazing, and if you are into cheap diving and partying I can strongly encourage you to go there.

I took an Open Water Diving certificate, and liked diving so much that I decided to go on and take and extend my certificate to an Advanced one. This means I'm now certified to dive 30 meters down and go for night dives and other fascinating things.
Unfortunately I don't have any underwater pictures of me (or anyone else) diving. But I can assure you it was an amazing experience. Those who have have tried it, knows what I'm talking about.
Especially the wreck dive(yes, you heard right - a wreck) and the night dive was amazing!
It was really hard for me to leave.

But I finally managed to back my things and go. I took the boat back to the mainland where I can on a few different buses which eventually at 9 o'clock in the evening brought me to a dark and dodgy part of Tegucigalpa.

An extremely friendly taxi driver took me to the part of the City where my friend(Margee) lives, but since people here give their address by " its right next to the supermarket with the lions symbol across the street" the taxi driver had no clue where "Bloque 54" was. My phone was out of credit, and so was his - so we ended up stopping at a pharmacy asking random people for directions. In the end I went in to buy some credit for my phone(he was waiting outside) and called Margee. Margee didn't pick up at first, and after standing 15 minutes trying to call her I told the taxi Driver(who wanted to make sure I was ok) that he could leave and that I would be alright. Eventually she answered her phone, and it turned out I was 2 minutes walk from her house. So I eventually made it there without problems.

The whole situation makes me think about what would happen in a similar situation in Denmark. I would never be able to imagine a Danish Taxi driver being that sincerely friendly and helpful. And in general people down here(not only taxi drivers, or Hondurans) are extremely helpful and friendly, which makes its a pleasure travelling here.

I'm staying here for a couple of days together with Margee. There's some CISV thing going on this weekend, which I'm planning on attending. And then its my aim to make my way towards Nicaragua sometime next week.

When ever I see something interesting(and remember to bring my camera along) I'll upload some pictures.

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