Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Some Photos...

Granada seen from a Church Tower.
Vulcano Conception at Isla de Ometepe.

Some kind of loud , yet beautiful insect.
The view from Vulcano Conception.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Surfing, Spanish and Another Volcano

First of all: Big apologies for not keepin in Touch.

Det er hvad der sker naar man ikke lige sidder foran skaermen hele dagen, og naar elendige tastaturer frustrerer en til evigheder.

Jeg befinder mig I oejeblikket paa Isla de Ometepe, midt I Lago de Nicaragua.
Virkelig smuk oe, som bestaar af to store kegleformede vulkaner. (proever at uploade nogle billeder paa et eller andet tispunkt)
Igaar heikede jeg op den ene vulkan. Virkelig en smuk tur, og en fantastisk udsigt.

Sidste uge, brugte jeg I en by der hedder San Juan del Sur, hvor jeg laeste spansk 4 timer hver morgen, og surfede om eftermiddagen. Selvom surfing I starten er en smule svaert, er det virkelig sjovt og jeg tror at stoerrelsen paa boelgerne her passede perfekt til mit niveau.

Imorgen er planen at tage til Playa del Coco I Costa Rica, hvor der eftersigende skulle vaere rigtigt gode dykkemuligheder. Saa det maa jeg jo finde ud af. Ved endnu ikke helt hvor laenge jeg bliver I Costa Rica, eller hvorfor jeg tager hjem (eller hen for den sags skyld). Men det vil tiden vel vise.

Jeg vil forsoege at uddybbe lidt grundigere og uploade nogle billeder naar jeg finder en bedre computer.

Nu vil jeg gaa tilbage paa mit hostel, og se Manchester - Barcelona.
(bare fordi man er paa den anden side at jorden, betyder det ikke at de ikke har champions league fodbold).

Hasta La Vista Baby! (hvilket du ALDRIG bil hoere nogen sige hernede.....)

Friday, April 18, 2008

A Few Pictures

Thats what I look like when I backpack.

The beaches of Little Corn Island.

My (half) dry tent on Little Corn Island.

Chicken Fight in León.

Tinas's "Rancho Tranquillo" in Jiquillio at the Northen Pacific Coast in Nicaragua

Sasha(Germany), Mario(US/Iran), Tina(Owner), Dennis(Owner) - at Rancho Tranquillo

The view from the top of the Lighthouse on Little Corn Island.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Corn Islands - Paradise on Earth......

First of all. Of pure curiosity I would like to know how many people actually follow this blog. Not that it really matters if it 2 or 50, ill keep writing regardless - I would just be interesting to know. For instance, if all readers are Danish, ill stop writing in English. (why would I bother?)
So yeah - this first part is a test. If you read this please write a comment or email me and write the word "Fish".(for all the fish I've seen recently.)

So yeah - Last time I wrote, I was in León in Nicaragua. Last Sunday I went for a chicken fight - quite a weird a fairly disgusting experience. Its basically a lot of men who tease to chickens until they are really aggressive - and then make them fight in a ring(to death) while all the men are cheering and betting on the various chickens. Sick kind of entertainment. But yeah, so is bullfighting. I wanted to experience it myself thought. Which Im glad I did - but I have no plans of doing it again.
Chickens slaughtering each other for the sole purpose of entertaining people??? not my thing.

The day after I left for a place called Rancho Tranquillo. It's a small place in the northern part of Nicaragua, right on the pacific coast(in a small village called Jiquillio) - where an American women has a small hut.
I spent two days there, chatting to the locals having long walks on the beach and attempting to surf. Surfing was lots of fun - and I'm definitely thinking of surfing again as soon as I get to a place with waves.

I left Jiquillio Thursday - and made my way to Grenada in the late afternoon. Grenada is a beautiful old colonial town, with majestic churches and shiny colorful buildings.Despite the big number of tourists, its definitely worth a visit.

With intentions of returning to Grenada some day, I left it Friday morning.
Destination: Little Corn Island.

The Corn Islands are too paradise islands off the coast of Nicaragua. Little Corn Island where I am right now is stupidly amazing. No cars, no airplanes, no trucks, no factories. Just white sandy beaches, palm trees and crystal clear water. I've spent the last couple of days doing some fantastic diving here. Since its more or less untouched by tourist the coral reefs are very well preserved - which makes it ideal for diving. I've seen Nurse sharks, eagle rays, barracudas, sea turtles and even dolphins. Simply stunning! (and of course loads of other fish and beautiful corals)

As soon as I get a chance ill upload some pictures and make you all dead jealous.

Right now - im off to walk around the Island(its suppose to take 4 hours to walk all the way around....

Until I upload some pictures of my own you can check out this link:

Oh yeah - and remember to write "Fish" under comment.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The day I saw a Car Crash, drank mojito while having volcanic rocks between my balls, and saw a guy being beaten up for watching a norwegian girl pee.

Yeah, things are fairly eventful down here. Who said Nicaragua was boring. Take yesterday for instance.

I woke up at some point yesterday morning, took a swim in my hostels swimming pool, and was convinced by two Canadians and an America to join them for a cultural tour of the town. Or well in other words, we were going to the revolutionary museum, depicting the rise of the Sandinista Revolutionary movement, and how they managed to overthrow the dictatorship - before being beaten up by US supported "Contras" operating from Honduras.
After that we went to get some delicious Nicaraguan food for lunch.
On our way back to the our hostel. A big jeep, crashed into the side of a normal car just 20 meters behind us. The normal car jammed into a light pole, and all the wires and streets light flashed and made noises. The driver of the jeep was alright, and so was the driver of the car(though a very shocked..obviously) the guy in her passenger seat was in complete shock, and sat very still with closed eyes without moving, only a slow breath showed that he was alive.
Fairly traumatizing experience. Lots a people came, and fortunately the accident happened just outside a medical clinic, so a doctor came within 2 minutes and helped out the slowly breathing guy.

We went back to our hostel and recovered with a cold beer.

An hour later me and the american girl, went to join the volcano boarding tour we had signed up for the day before.
Volcano boarding is, well, boarding on a volcano.
Imagine sledging 400 meters down a volcano with 50km pr hour. Well thats basically what it is.
amazingly thrilling experience.

Driving to Volcano Cerro Negro
Volcano Cerro Negro

View from the Top.The slope....

And down it goes...

When I came down I had small volcanic rocks all over my body. In my hard, in my armpits, in my ass, between my balls. Everywhere!

When we came back to Bigfoot Hostel(the ones who run the tour, but not the place I am staying) we got a big cold Mojito, and at that point I still had those small frustrating volcanic rocks down my underwear.
(A movie of another guy volcano boarding can be seen here)

Later that night, I went out in town with a couple of guys.
We went to a couple of bars and in the end we ended up in this open courtyard, which apparently is a "after-party" place where people go when the official bars close at two.
At some point the Norwegian girl from my hostel, who was sitting at my table, went out to take a leak in a yard behind the place we were sitting, apparently some guy was watching her, cause on her way back to our table, some other guy to a big bat and hit him in the head. Kinda insane.
Not really sure if there was some other reasons for his reaction, but at least the guy(who got hit) was asked to leave the building.

So yeah, pretty eventful day. I think ill just spend today in the sun by the pool. I have no need for any more dramatic adventures the coming few days.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Leon, Nicaragua

I think I'm the only backpacker in the entire world, who has spent more than a week in Tegucigalpa.(Or at least it feels that way).
I left Tegucigalpa yesterday morning, and came to Leon last night.

To start with the first.
After leaving Utila I, as mention in last post, went to Tegucigalpa to visit my friend from Seminar Camp. Tegucigalpa itself is a really sketchy and kinda dodgy town, but you always get a different experience and impression when you know someone the place you go.
I had a wonderful week in Tegucigalpa. Meeting Margee's(my friend) friends and hanging out with them so much - gave me more knowledge about life and culture in Central America than any other destination on my stay has. And I'm not talking about food, dances or beer. I'm talking about the more subconscious things, the way people act, think, talk. The way the sexes interact - and the general view upon life - family, marriage, education, business, politics - everything. Or well, not everything, but many things.
So yeah, despite the fact that Tegucigalpa, might not be the most attractive city, I REALLY enjoyed my stay. (and did I mention, that people are super-friendly???)
I spent the weekend at a CISV-Workshop, where I received training to become a Seminar Camp Staff. (for those of you who reacted "WTF???" to the word "Seminar Camp", I will kindly refer to for more information)

But yeah, it was pure coincidence that I happened to be in Tegucigalpa when the workshop took place. I had an amazing weekend and it was really nice to chill with CISV'ers from all of Latin America. Especially since I haven't been to a CISV camp for ages.

When I can pull myself together(I mean, IF I can....) ill eventually upload some pictures.
Tomorrow I'm going Volcano boarding....and until I elaborate in my next post, ill let you sit for a while and ponder over the following question:

What the heck is "Volcano Boarding"???