Saturday, April 5, 2008

The day I saw a Car Crash, drank mojito while having volcanic rocks between my balls, and saw a guy being beaten up for watching a norwegian girl pee.

Yeah, things are fairly eventful down here. Who said Nicaragua was boring. Take yesterday for instance.

I woke up at some point yesterday morning, took a swim in my hostels swimming pool, and was convinced by two Canadians and an America to join them for a cultural tour of the town. Or well in other words, we were going to the revolutionary museum, depicting the rise of the Sandinista Revolutionary movement, and how they managed to overthrow the dictatorship - before being beaten up by US supported "Contras" operating from Honduras.
After that we went to get some delicious Nicaraguan food for lunch.
On our way back to the our hostel. A big jeep, crashed into the side of a normal car just 20 meters behind us. The normal car jammed into a light pole, and all the wires and streets light flashed and made noises. The driver of the jeep was alright, and so was the driver of the car(though a very shocked..obviously) the guy in her passenger seat was in complete shock, and sat very still with closed eyes without moving, only a slow breath showed that he was alive.
Fairly traumatizing experience. Lots a people came, and fortunately the accident happened just outside a medical clinic, so a doctor came within 2 minutes and helped out the slowly breathing guy.

We went back to our hostel and recovered with a cold beer.

An hour later me and the american girl, went to join the volcano boarding tour we had signed up for the day before.
Volcano boarding is, well, boarding on a volcano.
Imagine sledging 400 meters down a volcano with 50km pr hour. Well thats basically what it is.
amazingly thrilling experience.

Driving to Volcano Cerro Negro
Volcano Cerro Negro

View from the Top.The slope....

And down it goes...

When I came down I had small volcanic rocks all over my body. In my hard, in my armpits, in my ass, between my balls. Everywhere!

When we came back to Bigfoot Hostel(the ones who run the tour, but not the place I am staying) we got a big cold Mojito, and at that point I still had those small frustrating volcanic rocks down my underwear.
(A movie of another guy volcano boarding can be seen here)

Later that night, I went out in town with a couple of guys.
We went to a couple of bars and in the end we ended up in this open courtyard, which apparently is a "after-party" place where people go when the official bars close at two.
At some point the Norwegian girl from my hostel, who was sitting at my table, went out to take a leak in a yard behind the place we were sitting, apparently some guy was watching her, cause on her way back to our table, some other guy to a big bat and hit him in the head. Kinda insane.
Not really sure if there was some other reasons for his reaction, but at least the guy(who got hit) was asked to leave the building.

So yeah, pretty eventful day. I think ill just spend today in the sun by the pool. I have no need for any more dramatic adventures the coming few days.

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