Monday, April 14, 2008

Corn Islands - Paradise on Earth......

First of all. Of pure curiosity I would like to know how many people actually follow this blog. Not that it really matters if it 2 or 50, ill keep writing regardless - I would just be interesting to know. For instance, if all readers are Danish, ill stop writing in English. (why would I bother?)
So yeah - this first part is a test. If you read this please write a comment or email me and write the word "Fish".(for all the fish I've seen recently.)

So yeah - Last time I wrote, I was in León in Nicaragua. Last Sunday I went for a chicken fight - quite a weird a fairly disgusting experience. Its basically a lot of men who tease to chickens until they are really aggressive - and then make them fight in a ring(to death) while all the men are cheering and betting on the various chickens. Sick kind of entertainment. But yeah, so is bullfighting. I wanted to experience it myself thought. Which Im glad I did - but I have no plans of doing it again.
Chickens slaughtering each other for the sole purpose of entertaining people??? not my thing.

The day after I left for a place called Rancho Tranquillo. It's a small place in the northern part of Nicaragua, right on the pacific coast(in a small village called Jiquillio) - where an American women has a small hut.
I spent two days there, chatting to the locals having long walks on the beach and attempting to surf. Surfing was lots of fun - and I'm definitely thinking of surfing again as soon as I get to a place with waves.

I left Jiquillio Thursday - and made my way to Grenada in the late afternoon. Grenada is a beautiful old colonial town, with majestic churches and shiny colorful buildings.Despite the big number of tourists, its definitely worth a visit.

With intentions of returning to Grenada some day, I left it Friday morning.
Destination: Little Corn Island.

The Corn Islands are too paradise islands off the coast of Nicaragua. Little Corn Island where I am right now is stupidly amazing. No cars, no airplanes, no trucks, no factories. Just white sandy beaches, palm trees and crystal clear water. I've spent the last couple of days doing some fantastic diving here. Since its more or less untouched by tourist the coral reefs are very well preserved - which makes it ideal for diving. I've seen Nurse sharks, eagle rays, barracudas, sea turtles and even dolphins. Simply stunning! (and of course loads of other fish and beautiful corals)

As soon as I get a chance ill upload some pictures and make you all dead jealous.

Right now - im off to walk around the Island(its suppose to take 4 hours to walk all the way around....

Until I upload some pictures of my own you can check out this link:

Oh yeah - and remember to write "Fish" under comment.


Hans said...

Flyvefisk fra Far.
Spændende at følge med i din Blog (på dansk og engelsk)
Hvornår mon du vender hjem??

Jamie, Baymard Institute said...

Fishy fish..

Jessica Benyukhis said...

fish =]

Unknown said...

Fisk fisk fisk

Unknown said...

Du får - foruden alle mine søde mails til dig - også en FISK fra din sød mor. KRAMISAR mamsen

mb said...


mb said...


ted fulton said...

Fish, go to google analytics and embed code in your blog. google will track the number of readers for you for free