Monday, April 16, 2007

A strange Week

It's been quite for a while. But this past week has just been crazy.
Of good news I can begin with the weather. In opposition to the normal evening news, which usually ends with a session dedicated to the meteorologists, I will start with this session.

As you recall, I came back from Easter break facing snow and rain. Yesterday and the day before however I spent most of the day tanning in the sun, while trying to read a few pages in my chemistry book. So yeah, no complaints from my side.

About the strange week.

The week started out with two students being expelled, for a mixture of excessive abuse of alcohol and sexual harassment. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but the baseline fact is that two 2nd year students got expelled, Monday afternoon and ultimately left Wednesday. The atmosphere was all but pleasant, and the situation didn't improve when rumors of a 3rd expulsion started circulating.

Apparently a 1st year student is, or will be expelled for having too many absences. This would in most circumstances seem fair enough, if just things had been handled in a proper manor. But they were not. After conversing with the student, and researching into the issue, it turns out that he indeed has a big absence record, but that there are other people that has more absence than him. Far more.

So the interesting question arises? Why was he kicked out and not the other?
In my almost two years at this place, only two people has been expelled (and that took place last Monday) and now suddenly one more?

If we are to take things more into perspective many complaints have come from the administration about the students lack of attendance for classes.
It seems the expulsion of this particular students, has served to statuate and example for the others. He is more like a scapegoat than anything else.

If he really does have so many absences, it can not have come as a surprise. Why expel him 3 days after two other students were expelled. Why not wait until summer, so he could say goodbye to the people he care for. Many interesting question arises. And I am sure I will know more tomorrow.

Enough about out internal tragedy.

Here's a picture of Thursday night's sunset, enjoy!

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