Saturday, April 28, 2007

Environmental Activist - or something like that.

Ungdommens Gulating. Undomg= Youth, Gulating - an ancient meeting place where important decisions were reached through a democratic process.
This venue, was host for Climate Conference yesterday.
More info can be found here:

I guess it had the potential to be good, but in many ways I feel it was over advertised as the greatest thing ever. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING new came up. It was the same thing we've heard a million times. The humans have caused Global Warming and you, the youth, (we red.), are the ones who has the power to prevent the "biggest threat in human history".

So yeah, I spoke to a few people who liked it, but I wonder how much educational value they actually got out of it. I mean, personally I thought the music was very nice, but yeah - as I said, this conference has not made me an Environmental Activist.
I've got no immediate plans of going out with banner and yelling and screaming.

As one man put it "I am preaching to the choir" - well yes true indeed.

However as so often before, the image of the whole thing was very good, we even made it to the Norwegian Television.
Here you can see what it looked like in the news.

Anyways, today have been a great day so far. When the weather is good, this place is astonishing. Completely unbelievable. I love it.
The fjord, the mountains, the birds, the quite atmosphere, everything. Amazing.
And all the first years are in Bergen so the campus consist of quiet 2nd years. Very nice.

I wish in many ways, that I had the opportunity to stay here for a month or two, during summer time, without always having to think of exams and homework. This place is such a wonderful place, and has so many opportunities - but due to rules, restrictions and the lack of time, due to studying - we too seldom take advantage of all the opportunities.

As for me now - all I think of is studying, studying and studying. But again - I do have week of hell coming up very soon....I better get back to my books....

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