Friday, February 22, 2008

The day I allmost got pickpocketet, almost driven over by a bus - and starred at by almost the entire population of Guatemala

I didn't know whether i should cry or laugh.  I went for the latter.
On my way from Antigua to Guate City, I sat next to this seemingly friendly guy on the bus. He helped me finding the right spot to get off, so I could get on to the point were I was suppose to meet Monica's brother. Standing waiting to get off the buss(with my big backpack on my bag) he stands very close to me, and with his hand covered by his jacket puts his hand down my pocket. 
Since i've been pick pocketed once before in Sierra Leone, I was not a moment in doubt about what was going on.  I took up my wallet and indeed my plastic card was missing. I looked at him very determined and told him to give me back my plastic card witch he had in his hand under his jacket. He said something about not having it, while putting it into his handbag. (Very indiscrete, since I saw him doing it..). I pointed and started talking louder, that he had it in there and that he should give it back to me. And when it became too embarrasing for him, he took it up(again very indiscretely) and dropped it on the floor - and then pointed and say "its there" and then picked it up and gave it to me, as if it had been there all the time.
So yeah I got my card back just as the bus arrived at my stop.

What makes the situation even more funny is that the plastic card he took, was my 10 Dollar IYTC Card...(International Youth Travel Card), which wouldn't be to much use for him...
(I don't carry any major valuables in my wallet when traveling). But then, you cant see what card you steal when you reach down someone's pocket.
As "Pim" from " Drengene fra Angora" once said it " Sad.......but funny".

So I came off the bus, and found myself a taxi to the place where I was suppose to meet Monica's brother. While trying to cross the street, this bus nearly ran me over. It seemed like it speeded up, just as it saw me(Maybe it did?). So I had to take 5 huge and very quick steps with my big backpack in order to avoid getting hit....

I eventually made it to the square known as the Obilisco, (there's an obilisc in the middle of the square). However, due to the rush hour, Monica's brother was a bit delayed so I had to stand for 30 minutes with my big yellow backpack and my blond(i didn't have time to dye it) hair, while I was being starred down by every single car that drove by. ( The square is basically the center of a major roundabout).

So yeah, what am I even doing here, and who is Monica??? Monica was a kid I meet when I was Junior Leader(JC), at a CISV Village.  We spoke a lot back then, and she told me to write here if I ever made it to Guatemala. Which I eventually did. So now I'm here.
Spending the weekend together.

So yeah, I left Eva and Laura in Antigua today.
I spent the last week together with them in Antigua. Antigua is a very beautiful town, and in comparison with rest of guatemala, very safe - so it was a very nice place to stay for a week. Monday I was a bit ill so I didn't really do much. Tuesday I felt better and I went to a pub to watch some champions league football. In the evening I went with Eva and Laura to a bar that had Happy Hour. 
Wednesday I took hours of spanish with a private teacher. It only cost 33 Quetzales(20kr, 4 USD) an hour and you learn SO much! Im seriously thinking of taking some more classes when I get further south.
Thursday I went with Eva and Laura to see their project in the morning. They are volunteering as teachers as a school for very very poor kids. I helped out with some kids who are academically weak, but very very nice and funny. I really enjoyed my time there, and it reminded me of my time as a teacher in Denmark.
And yeah, then today I made my way to Guatemala.

Ill stay here for the weekend, and then its my intention to go up towards Tikal(some nice Maya Pyramids)  and eventually make my way to Belize to do some Scuba Diving....but we'll see how long it takes before I get there...