Friday, March 30, 2007

Rejected and Prague

Yesterday night I got rejected from 2 schools, and I got a letter of "incomplete Application" from 1 school; I and the university office are still unsure what this exactly means, and how this came about. I got a 3rd rejection today. This means that I've only got 2 schools left to hear from, and I will know the last one tomorrow at 14.00. Again meaning that Tomorrow at 14.00 I will know what my life will look like the next 5 years, or what it won't look like.
We'll see.

I'm waiting for the "incomplete" university to reply to me with a reason for not taking any action on my application, despite having told me that "everything looks fine". Jep, they e-mail me and told me everything looked good.

I'm leaving for Prague tomorrow morning. Really looking forward to going there. I'll have a blast.
I'm staying Saturday night in Amsterdam. That'll be fun too. Great way to party party.

I actually wouldn't mind having a week here, since the weather is so wonderful, but I also feel I need to get a bit away.

I hope I will get some positive University Replies within the next 24 hours.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Danish Dinner

We had our first Annual (i think) Danish dinner today.Hurra! Bertelsens Uaktuelle Nyheder is something that must be seen by all human beings. Our wonderful Danish Teacher Erik dropped by and joined us - (which was quite cool), always ready for a good joke.
We took college picture today - unfortunately I don't have a sample I can present to you, but i'll see If I can get hold of one before my next entry.
Would be nice right?

We had our Spanish class outside on the rocks today. I wonder whether that would ever had happened if I had attended regular Danish High School. Most likely not. We moved out on the rocks next to the water, and did some exercises. It was great. Imagine to be able to tan, while learning spanish at the same time. We should have more of those classes. It is funny thought, sometimes to compare school here, with school back in Denmark. The thought often crosses my mind "How would this have been in Denmark" or " Would this have been possible at all in Denmark?" I guess not, but since I've never attended normal danish high school in Danish I actually have no clue. Perhaps. Who knows.

My trip to Sierra Leone is getting along well. With the funds we have now we are actually able to carry out the project to a quite far extent. We don't have as much as we aimed at, but what we have is better than nothing, so seen in a positive light, we are doing well.
I do though still have a lot to plan and arrange before I can call myself 100% ready.

I've gotten these mails from Universities recently saying when they will let me know if I am accepted. A bit absurd in some way. 4 Days before they admit/reject you, they let you know that they'll let you know in 4 days. I mean; I've been waiting 4 months - so 4 days doesn't really make a difference. I'll spend the next couple of days preparing myself for the thought, that I might in a very short time, know where I will spend the next 1+4 years, or the thought that I maybe know where I will spend the next year, but except for that I have absolutely no bloody clue. We'll see how it goes. I don't want to put my hopes too high.

Anyways, I better get some sleep. I was napping during the sunny afternoon today, so didn't get enough sun. But honestly, I was SO tired. It's sometimes very energy consuming to attend so many classes..

Ohh about classes, I have a funny note on that one.

Our "wonderful" teacher made a fool out of himself.
I missed a class last week(which contrary to common belief actually doesn't happen that often)
and then we had started a new topic: Fair enough. I was not there too bad.
- our teacher went straight on from where he started last week, and those of us who missed the class felt a bit lost since we didn't have the handout he had given last week.
Instead of disturbing, I asked in the end of the class whether he had any handouts he could give us.
He answered - no, that we couldn't get them cause we weren't there last week.
I said - Ok, so you don't have more copies you can give us?(not exactly understanding his point)
He said - No-
And I then said something like - ohh, so you just want us to go copy them from others.
and then he replied - that we were not allowed to copy from others, because he had written the notes himself, and he had copyright on them, and that it was just too bad because we missed the class the other day. ehhhh????

A strange situation I don't come across every day. And a bit tragic. Poor teacher. How low. I think i'll ask him for a copy and tell him to forget about the whole situation, before it becomes too embarrassing for him. That would be a pitty.
If he objects I would be happy to discuss the situation with some more teachers and some other students. Would be hilarious to see how he would handle it.

Have a nice day.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Adams's Apples

I partly watched the Danish movie "Adams apples" today. Partly meaning that I was doing homework and listening to the movie - or well, supposedly doing homework and actually watching the movie.(Procrastination is amazing!)
Anyways, I've come to understand that such a movie really portrays an interesting part of danish culture and humor. The extremely violent and rough setting, and yet super funny and in some way melancholic atmosphere - is something I can associate with. Not in the way that I believe in violence in such manner, but the way the story goes on, and the extremely absurd things they make fun of - so damn politically incorrect - makes it movie worth taking into account.

When I want foreigners to understand Danish humor, I usually tell them to watch a movie by Anders Thomas Jensen. His three most recent movies, such as The Blinking Lights, The Green Butchers and previously mentioned Adam's Apples are of priceless quality. They are completely absurd, rough - and extreme in every sence, yet you build up a sort of sympathy with the main characters, which makes his movies much more interesting and worthwhile.

That was my deep thoughts for today. So: If you wish to understand weird Danish Humor, watch a movie by Anders Thomas Jensen.

Other than that I spent the day eating pizza at my advisee dinner, and chilling in the sun while trying to study.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Room page

Today I've finished the roompage for our room. Each room has a room page in the yearbook, and i thought I'd share our roompage with you. I don't think I need to comment on it.
As the intellectuals of this world so often put it: One pictures says more than a thousand words.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sunshine in flekke?

Believe it or not!(most likely not), the sun is actually shining outside. Unbelievable. Jep, I know it. Last night we celebrated Marc's Birthday party. I think he really enjoyed it. Dag had gotten hold of a lot of dutch friends, and Gustav and I brought in the Two Towers, to Marc's room. So there we sat until the early morning, chilling with some Dutch Friends and the Two Towers.

Suddenly I wake up, its morning and boom! there's sun in my little ugly face. how fascinating. Ohh
Gustav challenged me in Backgammon - and after 1 hours of hardcore gaming he came to the conclusion: "I've never lost to such a bad person", I guess he was just surprised by my extremely qualified skills in tossing the dices. ( Do you say dices in plural?).

Perhaps, being a bit optimistic, it'll actually be warm enough to wear shorts before Easter break. Lets hope so. ...

And it's on these days, the view from my window is just stupidly amazing....

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wednesday Morning

Just got down, episode 20 of Prison Break. I've become all addictive. The show itself is actually not that good - but for some reason i keep on watching it every week. guess i have nothing better to do with my time. Last night I just took it easy and relaxed. I am planing on starting on my revision plan at some point tonight. I've made this pretty "tick-off-box" schedule of all the things I need to revise before the final exam. There's quite a lot, so I better get started soon. So many books to read, so many assignments to do - just for fun.
I'll get to know about universities in less than two weeks. weird Feeling. In less than two weeks I will maybe know how my life looks for the upcoming 5 years. And again, it's possible that I will get a rejection from all universities, and then i'm back at square one, not knowing anything at all.
I better get some sleep, before next class. I've got 1 hour to sleep. I like sleeping. Overslept first block today. Unintentional, but still. My alarm clock broke, so all I've got now is my cellphone, with a alarm function.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Done with IA

I.A. could be the abbreviation of so many interesting things. Such as Intelligent Animals, Invisible Amateurs or perhaps Incompetent Anarchist. Whatever one might associate with I.A., for all IB students I.A. is equal to hell. Internal Assesment. Except for maybe the completely ruthless and deadly torturing SAT's and off course the exams(but why we hate the exams is self-explanatory), I.A. is the part of the IB that worries most people.
Its a part of every subject, the deadlines are always put on the least suitable days. As for example the day before an SAT test, or something ridicules like that.
Well, i just feel sorry for my dear first years. I finished my I.A's today, and its a wonderful feeling. In the next two months there only 1 thing I have to think of: The IB Exam. arghhh... but first there's a little procrastination trip to prague. looking forward to that one.

I think i'll spend the rest of the week just chilling and eventually open a book, if there's no good movies worth watching.

Ohh- yeah - The Israeli Ambassador in Norway is visiting the school this friday. I bet that'll be very very interesting. a lot of people here, don't really seem to have a whole lot of passion for the wonderful democratic state of Israel. It'll be nice thought, finally meeting an official representative of the state of Israel, who to some extent have to justify any action the Israeli Government Takes.