Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Done with IA

I.A. could be the abbreviation of so many interesting things. Such as Intelligent Animals, Invisible Amateurs or perhaps Incompetent Anarchist. Whatever one might associate with I.A., for all IB students I.A. is equal to hell. Internal Assesment. Except for maybe the completely ruthless and deadly torturing SAT's and off course the exams(but why we hate the exams is self-explanatory), I.A. is the part of the IB that worries most people.
Its a part of every subject, the deadlines are always put on the least suitable days. As for example the day before an SAT test, or something ridicules like that.
Well, i just feel sorry for my dear first years. I finished my I.A's today, and its a wonderful feeling. In the next two months there only 1 thing I have to think of: The IB Exam. arghhh... but first there's a little procrastination trip to prague. looking forward to that one.

I think i'll spend the rest of the week just chilling and eventually open a book, if there's no good movies worth watching.

Ohh- yeah - The Israeli Ambassador in Norway is visiting the school this friday. I bet that'll be very very interesting. a lot of people here, don't really seem to have a whole lot of passion for the wonderful democratic state of Israel. It'll be nice thought, finally meeting an official representative of the state of Israel, who to some extent have to justify any action the Israeli Government Takes.

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