Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sunshine in flekke?

Believe it or not!(most likely not), the sun is actually shining outside. Unbelievable. Jep, I know it. Last night we celebrated Marc's Birthday party. I think he really enjoyed it. Dag had gotten hold of a lot of dutch friends, and Gustav and I brought in the Two Towers, to Marc's room. So there we sat until the early morning, chilling with some Dutch Friends and the Two Towers.

Suddenly I wake up, its morning and boom! there's sun in my little ugly face. how fascinating. Ohh
Gustav challenged me in Backgammon - and after 1 hours of hardcore gaming he came to the conclusion: "I've never lost to such a bad person", I guess he was just surprised by my extremely qualified skills in tossing the dices. ( Do you say dices in plural?).

Perhaps, being a bit optimistic, it'll actually be warm enough to wear shorts before Easter break. Lets hope so. ...

And it's on these days, the view from my window is just stupidly amazing....

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